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That which is measured improves.  That which is measured and reported improves exponentially.

                                                        - Karl Pearson



Measurement & Verification (M&V) is critical to assuring our customers that savings are delivered.  AESG provides M&V with every project.  Our experts are trained in the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP).


Upon project completion AESG follow up regularly to verify the savings and make sure each customer is satisfied with the results.  The regularity is determined on a customer by customer basis.


Would you buy a car without a speedometer - only aware of your speed at the end of your journey? How would you know when to slow down?



We enable you to take control of your energy saving programme by providing Real-time data and Analytics.  Our Real-time meters can accurately measure and quantify the benefits of the many load-side products currently on the market - all from the comfort of your personal computer or mobile device


Viewing the costs as it happens, removes the uncertainty and risk of any solution implemented.



Use the insightful information to plug those energy leaks.  Following the installation of Eniscope - organisations have been able to save up to 40% by implementing 'no-cost" options for eliminating waste.


Thereafter we recommend selective energy efficiency products from our extensive portfolio (and any others the client may have access to) and with the benefit of Eniscope; test them meticously and ensure you get the best 'BANG-FOR-YOUR-BUCK'.


Finally once you have controlled your costs...plugged all those leaks...and reigned in those wasteful appliances, you can now at your convenience begin to access longer term benefits of on-site power generation using the various Renewable Energy sources most beneficial to your needs. 


The good news is the Eniscope will enable you to quantify these benefits and               them for all to see.  You may even be able to 'sell' your excess power back to the grid making a current liability into a profit source.











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